Package dsto.dfc.collections

Extensions to the Java Collections framework, including support for event notification on dynamic collections.


Interface Summary
CollectionListener Defines a listener for add/remove events on a collection.
Cursor A cursor is a more flexible way to move through a collection than an Iterator.
DfcMonitoredListListener Defines a listener on a DfcMonitoredList.
MonitoredCollection Defines a Collection that may be monitored for changes via the CollectionListener interface.
MonitoredList Defines a List that may be monitored for changes via the CollectionListener interface.
MonitoredMap Defines a slightly frankensteinish Map that may be monitored for changes via the CollectionListener interface.
MonitoredSet Defines a Set that may be monitored for changes via the CollectionListener interface.
PropertySet A set of (name, value) pairs.
SelectionModel Defines a model of selected elements.
SelectionModelListener Defines a listener to a SelectionModel.

Class Summary
ArrayIterator Iterates through items in an array.
BasicCollectionEventSource Basic class to maintain a set of CollectionListener's.
BasicMonitoredCollection Basic implementation of MonitoredCollection that acts as a wrapper around a Collection instance.
BasicMonitoredList Basic implementation of MonitoredList that acts as a wrapper around a List instance.
BasicMonitoredMap An implementation of a MonitoredMap, wrapping a backing Map instance.
BasicMonitoredSet Basic implementation of MonitoredSet that acts as a wrapper around a Set instance.
BasicPropertySet An implementation of PropertySet using HashMap and ArrayList.
BasicSelectionModelEventSource Basic class to maintain a set of SelectionModelListener's.
CompositeList A virtual list composed of a series of sub-List's laid end to end.
ConcurrentHashSet<K> Concurrent hash set built on ConcurrentHashMap.
CountedSet A set that counts add's and remove's on values.
DfcCollections Miscellaneous utilities for use with the Java Collections classes.
DfcMonitoredList Extended MonitoredList implementation supporting move operations.
EmptyPropertySet An empty, unmodifiable property set.
EnumerationIterator Wraps a legacy Enumeration in an Iterator.
FixedArraySetList A wrapper around an array that makes it appear as both an unmodifiable set and an unmodifiable list.
FixedPropertySet An unmodifiable property set containing a fixed set of values.
IdentityHashMap Exactly like HashMap except keys and entries are considered equal only if they are the same object (ie equals using == instead of equals ()).
IdentityHashSet Exactly like HashSet except uses an IdentityHashMap as backing, thus comparing objects using == instead of equals ().
IteratorEnumeration Adapts an java.util.Iterator to the java.util.Enumeration interface.
MicroMap A small footprint Map-like collection that provides basic put/get/remove functionality for small maps that don't change much.
NumberIterator Iterator that scans though a range of numbers.
Pair Convenience data storage class for pairing objects.
PropertySets Support for PropertySet's.
SelectionModelEvent The event fired by SelectionModel's to indicate the selection has changed.
SuperSet A superset of a number of subsets.
TypeMap A map-like container that maps from classes to values.
UnmodifiablePropertySet An unmodifiable wrapper around a PropertySet instance.
WeakValueHashMap A hashmap that has weak values in the same way as WeakHashMap has weak keys.

Package dsto.dfc.collections Description

Extensions to the Java Collections framework, including support for event notification on dynamic collections.

Copyright © 2008 Commonwealth of Australia