Below is an overview of the Livespaces installation steps for a fixed meeting room.

For detailed instructions, see the Software Installation Manual in the Livespaces Wiki.

Major Components Of A Livespace

Livespaces Installation Components

Installation — Overview

The Livespaces software is deployed as a set of software bundles executed in an OSGi runtime environment. Different sets of bundles are typically deployed on different hosts.

Although we distinguish between server and client installations, the only difference between the server and the clients is:

The process of installing the Livespaces software involves the following steps:

Installation — The Server

The Livespace server software comes in two packages:

Both installation methods require two key configuration properties:

Windows Installer Details

The Windows installer will ask for LIVESPACE_CONFIG (the “Livespace configuration” field in the GUI), it will generate LIVESPACE_OSGI_PATH from the installation directory.

There are several command line options for the Windows installer that will allow you to automate the installation process: see the Software Installation Manual in the wiki for details.

ZIP Installer Details

To configure the LIVESPACE_OSGI_PATH and LIVESPACE_CONFIG after installation of the ZIP, you simply set the environment variables of the same name:

  $ export LIVESPACE_HOME="/opt/livespaces-1.2"
  $ export LIVESPACE_CONFIG="room_config"

Minimal Server Configuration

If you used the Windows installer, the minimal configuration described here will be done for you, however you’ll want to come back to this section later to find out how to further customise it.

The Livespaces server configuration files are in $LIVESPACE_HOME/config, the general layout being (with some files and directories elided for clarity):



There are also README files in each directory which will provide further assistance if needed.

To minimally configure the server:

  $ cd $LIVESPACE_HOME/livespace.osgi/config
  $ cp -r install_template room_config
  # The name of the room
  room_name=My Meeting Space

  # The room's short name: set this to be the full name for now
  room_name_short=My Meeting Space

  # The Livespace server's hostname ($HOSTNAME minus the domain)
  # Maps the host named "server-hostname" to the "server"
  # category.

  # Maps the host named "client1-hostname" to the "client"
  # category.  if you have a client host in mind to test
  # with, map it here, otherwise you could leave this
  # until later

Running The Server


If you installed Livespaces as a system service, it will already be running, otherwise you can start it as a service with bin\start_livespace_service.cmd or run it on the console with bin\start_livespace.cmd. The latter mode is recommended while setting up, since it makes it easier to see how things are going.

When running as a service you can monitor the Livespaces output by viewing the logs\livespace.log.

Unix And Other Platforms

To start Livespaces from the command line:

  $ export LIVESPACE_HOME="/opt/livespaces-1.2"
  $ export LIVESPACE_CONFIG="room_config"
  $ ./bin/start_livespace

If you want to install Livespaces as a system service, the start_livespace script has several options to facilitate that, including the -pidfile and -daemon options. See the source of the script for details.

Checking The Server Is Running

The server, by default, runs the client bundles as well as the server-specific ones, which means the Dashboard GUI should be visible when running: on Windows this appears as an icon in the taskbar notification area, on Mac OS X and Linux, the icon will appear in the system menu.

Another way to verify the server is running and ready to serve clients is to connect a browser to its HTTP service: http://server_host:8090/livespaces/config and http://server_host:8090/livespaces/logs.

You can also run the Service Browser and OSGI Administration applications from the Admin sub-menu: these are valuable tools to see what services and bundles are deployed.

Installing Clients

The Livespaces client is simply a tiny Java shell that pulls the Livespaces OSGi bundles from the server: no significant software is directly installed on the client. For this reason you should rarely, if ever, need to upgrade clients after the initial install.

You can install the client either as a ZIP or, on Windows, using the auto installer. In either case, the client installer needs URL to server and config name. The server URL generally looks like http://server-hostname:8090/livespaces, and is the same value you would use as the LIVESPACE_OSGI_PATH on the command line.

TIP 1: to test the client on the same host as the server, you can run start_livespace with the “-h virtual-hostname” option, which will make the client appear to be running on host called virtual-hostname.

TIP 2: To quickly install on multiple clients, you can:

The Livespaces Configuration System — Basics

The key idea behind the Livespaces configuration system is that configuration is specified in a series of Java properties files. Configuration includes:

The properties files are split into two tiers: default and local, the local tier being local settings for your room, and the default tier being provided by the Livespace development team. At deploy-time the default and local tiers are logically merged, with the local tier’s settings taking precedence over any existing ones in the defaults.

The diagram below illustrates the arrangement of property files, and the effect of merging them:

Livespaces Configuration - Merging

The concepts behind the Livespaces configuration are explained in more detail in the Software Installation Manual.