Livespaces Training
The slide packs listed below are from Livespace training program developed and presented by DSTO staff. The training program was designed to run over three or four days, and included hands-on exercises for the participants.
The training program was last updated in July 2007 for the Livespaces 1.0 release, and so some of the slides show outdated user interfaces. However the fundamentals of the Livespaces infrastructure remain the same.
These are PDF slide packs between 0.5 MB and 1.5 MB in size.
Livespaces Overview. Introduction to Livespaces
Core Applications. The basic applications used in a Livespace.
The Livespace Bus. The Livespace Entity bus, in three parts.
Deployment. Deploying and configuring services and applications.
Managing a Livespace. Tips for managing and debugging a Livespace.
Sessions and Meta Applications. Ignite, Sessions and Meta Applications. Note: this was developed before the current version of Ignite (referred to as ‘Ignite 2’ in the slides) was finished and features an old web-based Ignite interface.
Federation. Federating multiple Livespaces for multi-site collaboration.